Call Alison on 01483 211482
Relevant Qualifications
- BA hons in Childhood and Youth Studies, including:
- Open University - Understanding Health and Social Care
- Open University - Childhood
- Open University - Supporting children's learning in the early years.
- Open University - Research with children and families
- Open University - Child Development
- NVQ Level 3 - Child Care and Education
- D32/D33 - NVQ Assessors Award
- D34 - NVQ Internal Verifiers Award
- Effective Early Learning Project
- GCSE Child Development Psychology
- Level 2 Award in food safety in catering
- First Aid
- NCMA Level 3 - Quality First (Quality Assurance)
Relevant Training
I am currently involved in the Quality Improvement Award
in which I am evaluating my setting and looking for ways to develop it further.
Workshops include:
- Every Child a Talker
- Common Assessment Framework
- Food Safety and Hygiene Level 2
- Mark Making
- Detoxing Childhood
- The Journey to Excellence
- Becoming a Sparkly Thinker
- EYFS in a Nutshell (Inclusion)
- Inclusion and the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice
- Curriculum Planning
- Working with Code of Practice to support Children with SEN
- Early Learning Goals
- Child Protection
- Equal Opportunities
- Out of School Care
- Maths
- Emergent Writing
- Science
- Healthy Eating for the under fives
- Safeguarding Children
- Listening to Children
- Child Development
- Look, Listen and Note
- Letters and Sounds
- Getting it Right for Boys
- Play with Puppets
- Interactive Talking
- Welfare Requirements of EYFS
- Speech and Language
- Anaphylaxis and Epipen Training
- Launch of EYFS
- Plan to Observe - Observe to Plan
- Good food for all
- Learning through Landscapes
- ICT in Early Years
- Safeguarding Children update
- Storytelling